Olery captures hotel, restaurant, attraction and retail reviews published by guests on dozens of platforms. All reviews get analyzed (ratings, sentiment, user profiles). Review data and content is available via reliable APIs.
Hotel Analysis is key for business decisions and the key to unfurling market strategies. High-quality analysis from Olery and Olery Partners provides unique insights into the new reality faced by many hospitality clients.
By focusing your efforts on specific analysis in your dashboard provided from Olery or Olery Partners you can understand how you use them and analysis will prove to be an actionable and transformative tool for your hotel
Reviews are an essential part of the travel booking experience for most customers. With Olery’s API you get access to up-to-date review content about hotels, attractions, restaurants and retail worldwide.
The information is gathered and aggregated from millions of real guest reviews on multiple platforms. With the help of Natural Language Processing technology we know what guests write about and what their opinions are.
Expand your business by implementing review and reputation management features into your existing hospitality software or create completely new product.
Olery makes it a breeze by providing a reliable feed of reviews to populate your application with. This way you don’t have to deal with acquiring reviews from various online sources.
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