Have all the latest reviews for your hotel, restaurant or attraction in one spot. Efficiently analyze, resolve and respond to reviews from all relevant sources . Sort through the negative reviews faster than ever before.
Asking for feedback is an essential activity for every hospitality business. It not only helps you to understand what areas need improvement but also shows guests that their experience is important to you.
Olery Feedback is a modern, clean and simple tool which does just that.
We know good reviews and a high ranking is very important to you. This is how we can help you:
Olery Feedback is able to publish your guests’ feedback as reviews on sites like TripAdvisor.
The Group Dashboard and benchmark features are made for you to keep track of your whole hotel or restaurant group. Make sure all properties follow the standards you set and uphold the group’s reputation.
Olery Reputation was created for independent hotels as, hotel groups, camp sites and other types of accomodation.
Olery captures reviews from various restaurant sites. Easily respond to guests online and send out surveys to generate new reviews.
Reviews are increasingly important for all types of attractions. Use Olery to make sure your reputation is what it should be.
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